A beginning way

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This journey to create and engage with an online learning platform has been a long time coming for me. I have had a lot of doubts about using the web to teach. It really came down to it was just time, such was the nature of my place in the journey.

When I finally came to embrace the idea, then of course much creativity came to my aid. And one of things I’m extremely intrigued about is fascilitating a community that grows slowly and utilizes the ‘safety’ of our own homes to cultivate deep embodiment practices that are truly creative and not necessarily something the society tends the think about. In these times wherever we can find like minded and hearted folks who want to go on these inner journeys of the mind and body and soul, I think we should go for it.

There is a grief in all of this too, because I have created very deep relationships with people all over the world, some of whom I may never see or if I do it will be very few times. It takes a lot of courage to sign up for something like that. But it’s worth it if we understand that we aren’t just doing this for our times but for a time beyond our own. A time when people live where they are at in ways deeply connected to the natural life-ways around them.

So this body of work is dedicated to the strange paradox that we are learning to “be where we are” (in our bodies, eg) from people who are in places where “we are not”.

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